
Discovering History through Real Experiences

Ing. Jindřich Ondruš, a Technical University graduate, worked in public administration and the regional development of the Zlín Region. Wallachia is not only a place where he lives. It is also a mission in terms of preserving folk traditions which he tries to keep from the position of museum director. He was responsible for the reconstruction and reopening of the iconic Libušín in Pustevny.  

Preserving folk architecture and the countryside is a meritorious activity in the digital age.  What unites all four museums you run and what inspiration do they give their visitors?

Open air museums offer more than traditional stone museums do. That is why we try to enable the visitors to discover their ancestors’ history not through digital but through real experiences, not only through what they can see, but also through smells, tastes, and touch. One of our goals is to help people see history not as a romantic fairy tale and help them understand that human life was, is and will be built on the same pillars. What is different is only the way different generations live and fulfil their lives. We hope that a tour of the museum and our ancestors‘  experience will inspire the visitors in their everyday lives, whether in family relationships, their bonds to the land which feeds them, or the use of natural resources.

The restoration of the iconic Libušín in Pustevny has become a heroic act. What makes it unique and how was the scientific reconstruction of this national cultural monument done.

Renewal of such high quality is unparalleled, and this was the largest scientific reconstruction in the Czech Republic of this time. Maximum focus was put on traditional manual processing considering every detail. We returned the building to its former Jurkovič’s design but also the original elements which had been previously dismantled and stored in depository. Keeping the traditional construction procedures was monitored by experts. We did unique colour research and designed colour solutions.  

Culture is alive and it must bring positive emotions to people. What are the trends in museums and what novelties is your institution preparing?

Museums are no longer places which people visit only to consume history and art. More and more attention is paid to involving visitors and making them co- creators. All our organizational sectors are now working on new concepts of exhibits presentation and interpretation. We cooperate with the general public through quantitative and qualitative research and we ask visitors for feedback on our work. We plan to update and extend the exhibitions in all our museums within 5 years. We are looking for new topics, relevant to current visitors, and we are transferring new objects representing folk architecture. The major planned project is the construction of new complex called Kolibiska in the Wallachian Open Air Museum.  

Thank you for the interview.

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