
Simply Put, Studying Technology Is a Safe Bet


Ing. Vítězslav Lukáš, a graduate of VŠB-TU in Ostrava, who has been working at ABB since 1998, has held many managerial positions at home and abroad and is committed to cooperation with universities. He has been General Manager for the Czech Republic since 1 January 2020.

Your company is one of the leading suppliers of industrial technology. What are your innovation priorities in 2022 and beyond?
This topic would be worthy of a separate article, so I will mention the most current ones. When we say digitalisation, most of us think of creating new software. But that is only one narrow fragment. Digitalisation also applies to existing technologies in the industry. It is possible to digitalise equipment that has been in use for several decades and in which considerable resources have been invested. And this is where there are a number of challenges — offering the customer a solution that does not necessarily change their technology, but means “making it smarter” where the benefits clearly outweigh the costs invested. This is the direction in which much of our innovation activity is heading.

The second big theme is sustainability — in our terms, it is more about emphasising the steps we have been taking for at least two decades. And now they are starting to get across — customers need to produce more effi ciently while reducing their energy intensity and environmental impact. That is where we are “at home”, so to speak, and we are rapidly expanding our existing portfolio of products and services. Also, I could not leave out a topic close to everyone’s heart, which is the smart home. You can expect an even wider range of solutions than before in this area. Charging infrastructure for electromobility is a hot topic. We will always showcase technology from a leadership position that will push the whole industry forward again. By the way, we are sponsors of the Formula-E championship, where we test our urrently developed technologies in advance, which you will soon encounter during your travels.

You collaborate with other universities to promote scientific projects. What kind of job opportunities do you offer to university graduates?
Of course, there is a list of technical positions — from the 3D design of robotic workplaces (Virtual Commissioning) and software development to the design of robotic lines, including participation in the development of application technologies. In our case, we are mostly talking about the field of laser welding. As an organisation, we offer the possibility of further growth into project management or business positions. These opportunities are countless. The limit is the number of graduates.

You are a graduate of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava. What should encourage students to study technical fields?
I know that engineering schools have a reputation for being challenging. Still, at the end of your studies, there is the prospect of interesting and varied work with a clear perspective as the future is shaped and driven by technology. When I look at the facilities that students have the chance to encounter during their studies today, I am secretly envious — they are far closer to contemporary standards and knowledge than they have ever been before. And I am not talking about stays at quality foreign universities. Simply put, studying engineering is a safe bet.

Thank you for the interview.

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