
Ostrava Airport Multimodal Park Has a Multiplier Effect for the Wider Area

The multimodal logistics centre is situated in close proximity to the Leoš Janáček Ostrava International Airport in the Mošnov Industrial Zone, with a direct connection to the motorway and railway network near the Czech, Polish and Slovak borders. The project developer is CONCENS INVESTMENTS a.s. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Petr Kalina, presented the project.

For the Moravian-Silesian Region, the shift of freight transport from roads to rail is important. Will this be made possible by the combined transport terminal under construction?
The Combined Transport Terminal will be put into operation in July this year. It will enable the transfer of freight transport from road to rail not only within the Moravian-Silesian Region but also in the entire region on the border of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. At the same time, it will provide added value and comparative advantage to the tenants of OSTRAVA AIRPORT MULTIMODAL PARK (OAMP).

Who are the tenants of the logistics centre, and what do you off er them?
The following companies make up the tenants of the OAMP premises, which are located in four separate halls: ABB s.r.o., Central Warehouse Solution s.r.o. (Skladon), Continental Barum s.r.o., Česká pošta, s.p., DHL Automotive s.r.o., Geis CZ, s.r.o., Hyundai Glovis Czech Republic s.r.o., M.K. Invest Group s.r.o., Rhenus Logistics s.r.o., and UFI FILTERS Czech s.r.o. These companies use modern warehouse and production facilities within OAMP. The location in Mošnov allows easy transport accessibility with connection to the motorway network and multimodality in connection with the railway terminal.

Hall 5 will be among the largest warehouse areas. What is the state of its construction, and what equipment will it offer?
A building permit has been issued for the 97,000 m2 hall with order number 5. Intensive negotiations are currently underway with potential tenants. Apart from its size, its uniqueness lies in the possibility of transshipment of goods or materials from the industrial railway directly to the covered warehouse space and vice versa.

Thank you for the interview.

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