
Photovoltaics is Becoming the Standard for Everyone

Kamil Čermák is a Chairperson of the Board of Directors and a CEO. He graduated the University of Economics in Prague and held managerial positions in the media, telecommunication and power industries. His role in ČEZ ESCO is an initiator of “smart solutions “in energy savings for both the business sector and the public administration. He can see a major challenge in green mobility development, smart towns and the Internet.

You are perceived as an innovative power market leader. Are you successful in persuading Czech people that solar panels and battery storage are benefi cial and economical? We are doing quite well. The demand for roof photovoltaics is growing in households, among businesses and in public administration. ČEZ ESCO do not install photovoltaics in households. This is a responsibility of our sister companyČEZ Prodej. However, the advantages for households are obvious: high subsidy for the installation and purchase, savings in terms of power supply costs for the next 20 years
and environmental friendliness. This year‘s statistics of household installations are breaking records. And it is similar with businesses and government offi ces. The incentive for businesses initiated by the Ministry of Industry was 500 million crowns at the start. In the end, the submitted
applications reached 2.6 billion crowns. The Ministry will increase the allocation of funding from other programmes. It is good news for the Czech economy even during the COVID crisis. The subsidy will cover only part of the expenditure. In total, the investment related to this incentive will amount to 5.5 billion crowns. Photovoltaics is becoming the standard for everyone.

Company managers evaluate the return on investments in clean energy. Why and how can businesses invest in their own energy source?

The demand is big. Of course, we will see later how the second wave of COVID will manifest itself. There are various reasons why people invest in PV. Small businesses are mainly interested in cost savings. Electricity prices have risen recently and having their own energy resources will help them. Then, there are bigger companies which want to save money and help the
environment and the climate. The third group is companies which might benefi t in terms of energy consumption. For example, they have fl uctuating consumption and they must balance the load during the day,
or they must deal with fl uctuating voltage in the network leading to complications in automated production, etc.

Is it the right time for local governments to be interested in their
own sources of energy? Do you negotiate with mayors and governors? Have you implemented any projects?

Local governments should set an example in ecology, but the market grows more slowly in this fi eld. Unlike private owners, who are motivated by savings, no matter which part of the budget it is financed from, the processes in the public administration are more complicated. In addition, everything must go through the bidding procedure. However, some cities
have visionaries and they try to modernize and to be green. Our customers include also enthusiastic mayors and city energy managers. We have started a project with the Association of Local Authorities and the
Ministry of Regional Development which should help.
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