
Priorities of Successful Managers

The Czech Management Association and Partners Contest seeks out, assesses, awards and promotes top executives and successful entrepreneurs and leaders. It ranks among the TOP 10 most recognized competitions in the Czech Republic. It is unique due to highlighting managers from diff erent fi elds, professions and regions. It presents modern and effi cient managerial styles and new trends. We are pleased to present an interview with President of the Czech Management Association, Ing. Petr Kazík, Ph.D., Vice-president of the Czech Management Association – Ing. et Ing. Adam Liška, MBA, and Vice-president of the CzechManagement Association – Ing. Olga Girstlová, Ph.D.

Ing. Petr Kazík, Ph.D.
President of the Czech Management Association

Petr Kazík is a long – term active CMA member, the owner of AHRA training and consulting company, an experienced executive and a consultant working for major companies. He has provided consulting, training and coaching services to more than two hundred major businesses and associations and he is the Chairman of the Evaluation Committee of the MANAGER of THE YEAR Council of Experts and a Vicechairman of the CMA Moravian and Silesian Region ELITE Club.

Each manager’s vision is a fully functional company. What is your vision of managerial culture?

Obviously, it is a smoothly running association. To be more specific,
it means involvement of all members. Together with Adam Liška,
we managed to activate the key regional managers through the Moravian and Silesian Region ELITE club. We aim to implement this model in other Czech clubs. the next generation of managers are aware of the fact that they cannot succeed without permanent self -development. And the most eff ective method is to learn from the best. the biggest vision is to commemorate the 1st World Management Congress, which took place in Prague in the year of 1924, under the patronage of fi gures such as T. G. Masaryk or the American Minister of Industry and future President Herbert
Hoover, by organizing another congress in 2024. However, we must have things to off er the world, as we had one hundred years ago. And we need successful managers not only in businesses but also in public administration.

What is the aim of the MANAGER of THE YEAR competition
and in what ways can it infl uence managerial culture?

The competition concept is based on the aim to prove that we might compare favourably with the world. This is why the evaluative questions have been inspired by the European Excellence Model and by the Japanese Hoshin Kanri model of strategy design. the Association members can learn about the best achievements at numerous events organized by CMA. Comparing and benchmarking represent a trigger for further improvement.

The Manager of the Year Award is certainly a commitment and a challenge for sharing experience. What is the role of the Association in this process?

The best managers present their specifi c solutions within the given criteria, in their application forms. We aim to provide our members with access to this know-how through consequent publishing, conference presentations given by the authors, through interviews, on web sites and via other communication platforms. We would like to transform the Association into a training hub with maximum opportunities to share best practices.

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