
Friends of Pavlov Connect Wine with Architecture


Michal Bystroň is a co-owner of the construction company Bystroň Group a.s., whose buildings are visible not only in the Moravian-Silesian region but also further afield. He specialises in civic amenities and reconstruction. He is currently completing a winery in Pavlov. He built the company from scratch, and his constructions have won numerous awards. He is an uncompromising athlete, an advocate of a healthy lifestyle and an optimist who promotes social responsibility.

Your company, Bystroň Group a.s., is known in the construction industry mainly for the construction of civic amenities and revitalisation of buildings. You build or renovate apartments for people, and every home has its own story. What is your role in building a “home” for wine, the Friends of Pavlov winery?
I must admit that I only drink wine occasionally and, of course, mainly from the Friends of Pavlov winery. I am definitely a Sunday wine drinker. Pavel Müller and I were sitting in my offi ce a few years ago when he was still a helicopter pilot at the ambulance service just down the road from our company, and he was complaining about the diffi culties of preparing the construction of a new winery in Pavlov. He had an interesting design by a prominent Czech architect, Marek Štěpán. When I came to the company with this project, even though the winery was far from us in Ostrava, it evoked a positive response in our company because the idea of working with this architect was interesting for us. The director of the company, and now my partner, took it up with great gusto. Even though we took part in the tender and won, the price was on the edge for us. But we said that working with the winery, and the architect Štěpán, would be a pleasure. And that feeling has accompanied us throughout the construction, despite many unexpected complications. Ultimately, we will be able to hand over the building to the investor at the beginning of July and open the winery with joy.

As the saying goes, there is truth in wine. Is it true that building and development visions are born with a glass of good Műllerka, or is it otherwise?
Our cooperation came about in a slightly diff erent way than over wine – through Pavel Müller’s disappointment with the previous construction company and his belief that if the construction was carried out by someone he knew well, it would be more under control. The connection was, as I said, more in the name of the architect we wanted to work with. As far as the business and distance were concerned, this contract would not have been interesting for us otherwise. However, since I also know the life story of Pavel Müller, whom I respect very much, the vision is based more on mutual human understanding and respect for his efforts in Pavlov, where, by the way, as an incomer, he has contributed to the development of the village and is now even deputy mayor.

You are currently preparing a new development project in Ostrava, the so-called Nové Lauby. Can you tell us what people can look forward to?
Citizens can look forward to an exceptional block of five entrances with an attractive atrium and mature greenery. This will be a logistical challenge for us, but I look forward to it. The flats will be aimed at younger families or those starting them and will be attractive housing in the centre of Ostrava. On one side with the cafes on Masaryk Square, and on the other side with the nature of the Černá louka with the connection to the new campus of the University of Ostrava. Most of the flats could be ideal for student housing. Although it does not look like it yet, we are working hard on the project within the framework of the signed contract, and I believe that these apartments and their inhabitants will revive the historical centre of Ostrava.

Thank you for the interview.

text: redakce

foto: archiv Bystroň Group a.s.

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