Mgr. Jiří František Potužník studied journalism. He has worked in the foreign news department of Czech Television and then as a permanent correspondent in Brussels. He has also used his experience as a spokesperson for the Czech Presidency of the EU Council and as a spokesperson for the Czech participation in EXPO 2010 in Shanghai. As Commissioner General, he secured the national participation at EXPO 2015 in Milan and is currently securing EXPO 2020 in Dubai in the same capacity.
The Czech Republic is participating in the Universal World Expo 2020 in Dubai. In the competition for the National Pavilion of the Universal World Expo 2020 in Dubai, it was the design with an original concept of an organic structure encircling the square lines of the exhibition space which succeeded. Can you explain its innovative concept?
The construction of the pavilion tries to be as environmentally friendly as possible. Therefore, it does not have a deep foundation. It is a demountable steel structure that can be dismantled and the material reused after the EXPO. What makes the otherwise sober pavilion unique is the Cloud made of steel capillaries. It is the largest hand-formed stainless steel sculpture in the world — we are talking about 17 tons and 8 kilometres of noble material, created on-site, with regard to the pavilion and the garden in front of it, by Czech sculptor Jan Dostál.
What is the purpose of holding a world exhibition and why is the Czech Republic participating in it?
The question of whether world exhibitions make sense when the entire planet is connected online is given primarily by the countries that fight every five years to host EXPO and then by the hundreds of other countries that participate in world exhibitions. Given its extraordinary success at the 1958 EXPO in Brussels, the Czech Republic can hardly be missed, where it won the Palme d’Or for the most beautiful pavilion. It also won the BIE Bronze Medal for Architecture and Innovation at the 2015 EXPO in Milan. This is all the more so as the Czech economy is based on exports, and especially as Czech scientists and innovators are still among the best in the world in many areas.
The exhibition lasts over half a year. What kind of programme will take place in the pavilion?
In addition to the permanent Country for the Future exhibition, the so-called rotating exhibition will be changed every two weeks. At least one accompanying programme will take place every the premises lent by the organisers of the world exhibition. This means that in the Czech pavilion, visitors will see not only Czech nanotechnologies, energy innovations, scientific discoveries and, for example, the exposition and pantomime performance of Robot Radius, which are related to the centenary of the introduction of the word robot to the world, but also the Forum 2000 conference, or a spectacular show during the National Day of the Czech Republic, in which dozens of exceptional and original artists participate.

What specifi cally do Czech companies expect from their participation at Expo 2020 in Dubai?
That is more of a question for them. But depending on what services they demand from us, they are interested in the presentation of their products and technologies as well as in international conferences on various topics: from energy, the aforementioned nanotechnology and robotics to artistic and innovative glass production. All our partners are, of course, also interested in advertising in the form of media support, whether in the Czech Republic or the United Arab Emirates. Being at EXPO and representing your country still has a good ring to it.
Thank you for the interview