Ing. Renata Červenák Nývltová is a graduated mechanical engineer with a fl air for precision machining and a passion for sports. She has spent her entire professional life in senior management positions in engineering companies. Since January 2021, she has been the CEO of ELTON hodinářská, a.s, and has led with a new vision.
Many executives will associate your watch brand with their childhood. Is your watch diff erent today?
The Prim watch is different today, especially in terms of production. In the past, it was mass production, manufacturing thousands of watches of one type. For example, almost for everyone, the start of school is associated with their first watch and the nickname “Beruška” (or “Ladybug”). There were a considerable number of them on the market. Nowadays, in Nové Město nad Metují, we focus on manufacturing small series of tens, or at most hundreds of pieces. Of course, serial production cannot be compared with today’s production in terms of quality and materials used. The highest quality stainless steel has replaced the chrome cases, and the durability and precision of the clockworks have been increased. The quality of today’s Prim watch matches the world’s most famous brands. We draw on our long tradition and history, especially in terms of design, which was at a high level, especially in the 1960s. In addition to this, entirely new watches with a modern design and many design improvements are being created. PRIM 21st-century watches are original, unique pieces that not everyone has on hand.
You are a manufacturer, which suggests handmade production. Are you able to make watches to measure and according to customer requirements?
It is the manufacturing method of production that allows us an individual approach to our customers. Of course, there are small personalisations such as dedications on the back lid or monograms on the crown. However, we also go much further. At Elton, we can customise almost anything according to the customer’s wishes. The shape and colour of the ands, the look of the dial, the material of the case, the shape of the crown, etc. We can also customise our in-house clockworks. It is even possible to create a unique watch design, whether a small corporate series or an exclusive investment piece. This gives us a substantial competitive advantage over other watch companies.
You have spent your professional life in precision engineering. How did you, as a woman, come to this vocation?
Actually, it was a coincidence that it was connected with the practises of the communist regime of that time. I wanted to study at a sports grammar school, but my family was not properly politically involved, and several family members emigrated. Although I passed the talent and entrance exams, I was not admitted. I received a letter from the Regional Department of Education stating that I was not admitted to the school of my choice, I was instead assigned to the secondary technical school, and there was no possibility of appeal against this decision. Fortunately, I had no problems with technical subjects, so I continued my studies in mechanical engineering at the Technical University in Liberec.

As concerns the interesting topic of time, as a woman, what role does the exact time play for you?
A big one for me personally. I do not like unpunctuality, so I need proper planning and a precise watch. Moreover, effective time management is also important for the proper functioning of any manufacturing company. Especially one for which accurate timekeeping is essentially a crucial indicator of quality.
Running a watch company is undoubtedly timeconsuming. What hobbies take precedence in your non-work life?
Running any business is time-consuming. I spend time with my husband and our dog in my spare time. I also enjoy ports, which have played a big part in my life since childhood. I enjoy downhill skiing, golf, cycling, tennis and hiking.
Thank you for the interview.