Ing. Jindřich Ondruš, a Wallachian from Nový Hrozenkov, takes care of preserving the legacy of our ancestors. Maintaining folk traditions has become his mission, as evidenced by the numerous awards received by the National Open Air Museum under his management.
In today’s hectic times, we are becoming more aware of the importance of the traditions and heritage of our ancestors. What role does the National Open Air Museum play in this?
The National Open Air Museum, a state-funded institution of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, was established in December 2018 and brought together four museums. The mission of these museums is to document, protect and preserve more than two hundred years of the history of folk architecture as well as to bring us closer to the way of life in the countryside. Each reflects the culture of a different region and is, therefore, unique.
Your individual institutions, the museums, are scattered all over the country. What connects them?
The connecting factor is the stated mission and goals, which need to be implemented in the culture, history and traditions of the region. The Zubrnice Open-Air Museum — the only open-air museum in North Bohemia — presents the housing and culture of the original inhabitants, their life in harmony with the landscape in the Czech-German border region (the former Sudetenland) and their post-war transformation and offers the possibility of a museum tour. A unique example of the earthen folk architecture from the Haná region is the Haná Open Air Museum in Příkazy, near Olomouc. The complex consists of three barns from the first half of the 19th century and one from 1987, followed by a garden with fruit trees and a complete Haná farmhouse with both a residential and farm area from 1876. This year, a fifth barn was added — from Skalička, near Přerov — built of logs, dated by dendrological research to 1560. That makes it the oldest building in the entire National Open Air Museum. The Vysočina Open Air Museum is set in the picturesque landscape of the Horácko. Interesting buildings and shows encourage you to visit the museum and its exhibition areas — at Veselý Kopec and in the Betlém in Hlinsko conservation area. One of the exhibition circuits in the monument reserve reminds visitors of the inscription of shrovetiderounds and masks from Hlinecko in 2010 on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Wallachian Open Air Museum in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, founded in 1925, still preserves the legacy of its ancestors — to be a living museum. This is the uniting factor for all our museums.

The last period is marked by the rebirth of Libušín in Pustevny and the awards for its reconstruction. Tell us more.
I would like to emphasize that the successful completion of the reconstruction, which began in spring 2014, is the joint work of all those who participated in the restoration of Libušín or contributed financially to it. The National Open Air Museum restored Libušín as a scientific reconstruction of the 1925 appearance using original technologies and materials. The work done has won numerous awards, which we greatly appreciate:
• Gloria Musaealis – Museum Achievement of the Year 2020 awarded by the Association of Museums and Galleries of the Czech Republic.
• The Grand Prix Patria Nostra 2020 Award of the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic for an exemplary investment and architectural achievement.
• Zlín Region Governor’s Award 2020 for the scientific reconstruction of a national cultural monument.
• Grand Prix Award of the architect Pavel Novák 2020 in the competition Building of the Year of the Zlín Region.
• Patrimonium Pro Futuro – Award of the General Director of the National Heritage Institute for the emphasis on traditional craftsmanship and the consistency with which the results of the research were applied in the realisation of the building.
• Building of the Year 2021 – Award for the outstanding approach to the restoration of a monument.
• The Best of Real Estate Award for a significant society-wide achievement in the restoration of Libušín.
• The Honorary prize of the Five Red Roses awarded by the Czech Ethnographic Society for contributing to the revival of traditional crafts under the methodological guidance of Luděk Dvořák.
• Opera Civitatem 2021 – Jože Plečnik Award for merit for the preservation and restoration of cultural treasures for the restorer Luděk Dvořák.
What can visitors look forward to in the coming months, and what are the long-term visions?
In May 2022, the aforementioned barn from Skalička will be inaugurated — part of the Haná Open Air Museum in Příkazy, near Olomouc. In 2022, the Vysočina Open Air Museum celebrates the 50th anniversary of its foundation — the entire year of the museum will maintain this spirit. The Wallachian Open Air Museum continues to build the new Kolibiska complex, which should be open to visitors in 2027. In 2021, we managed to buy the reeve building of Jasenná from the owners, an original log building from the mid-18th century and one of the most valuable monuments of Carpathian culture in the entire region. In 2022, repairs and the construction of the necessary facilities for visitors should be underway — we will be working towards a gradual opening.
Thank you for the interview.