Ing. Vítězslav Lukáš graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava. He has been working in the international corporate environment of ABB, a leading technology innovator, for almost a quarter of a century. Since 2020, he has been involved in promoting the company’s priorities as the General Manager of ABB in the Czech Republic.
You are a graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava. What requirements of ABB, the world’s leading supplier of industrial technologies, do graduates in this field have to meet? What do you see as the trends in education in your fields?
In addition to good knowledge and grasp in the fields, it is increasingly important for students to show initiative, develop further, try new things, not be afraid of the international environment and develop quality communication. There is also a need for universities to encourage more interdisciplinary study of technical subjects with economics. The ability of students to assess projects from an economic perspective and evaluate their return correctly will be of great importance. The link with practice during studies is also becoming increasingly important. That is why we are looking for students and graduates who can successfully link the subject of their demanding studies with its practical side in companies, research institutes or other professional organisations. We offer students the opportunity to cooperate with us on our projects. They can first get to know us, for example, through our employees who give lectures at universities, including VSB-TUO, or supervise theses or projects where the university and our company cooperate. We also hold open days aimed at students. We can also off er suitable candidates the opportunity to work directly within our work teams if it complements their study plan.
Production effi ciency, reduced energy consumption and environmental impact are your customers’ priorities, which cannot be done without innovation and digitalisation. Are you cooperating with universities in this area?
Innovation is a necessary condition for the prosperity of all of us, not only in the Moravian-Silesian Region but in the whole Czech Republic. In general, products with a high level of innovation generate higher added value and, therefore, higher margins. Customers are willing to pay a higher price for an innovative solution than a standard product that many other suppliers can provide. The model where universities and companies complement each other by way of basic and applied research is a proven way of introducing innovation. During my nearly quarter of a century at ABB, I have had the opportunity to help apply it in the Czech environment actively. Although we have good universities and a good industry tradition, the interconnection is still a bit lacking here compared to the experience from around the world, not only from the US but also from many European and Asian markets. It is also up to us — companies like ABB — to initiate closer mutually beneficial cooperation. I am very pleased that it is going smoothly with VSB-TUO in particular. And even now, in the Ostrava metropolitan area, we are discussing even more intensive involvement of students and doctoral students not only from VSB-TUO in joint activities. The advantages of such a partnership are also evidenced by the fact that we have managed to expand and move not only production but also research and development from various parts of the world to Ostrava. The latest example is the ABB Robotics Centre in Mošnov, which is currently being completed.

A smart factory cannot do without cybersecurity. Can you offer your customer a complete solution?
New risks are constantly emerging, so continuous collaboration with security experts and solution providers in this area is a natural thing. And since we either provide fully digital services or are involved in digitising our clients’ technology, we also focus on security in the digital environment ourselves. This has several layers, including ABB’s own IT and operational technology (OT) cybersecurity, supplier requirements and standards, as well as the cybersecurity services we provide to clients, for example, through our ABB Ability™ platform with a portfolio of more than 170 digital solutions. This, in the form of ABB Ability™ Cyber Security Services, is just such a comprehensive cybersecurity solution.
You are a company that places great emphasis on social responsibility. Where do you find inspiration in this area?
One source of inspiration for me is the people at ABB itself, including our global CEO. When we welcomed him to the Czech Republic last year, although the topic of further development and increasing shareholder value could not have been absent from our discussion, the emphasis Björn Rosengren places on the sustainability and social responsibility of our business is extraordinary and highly inspiring for me. The thing is to recognise that companies are not just here to make a profit. Their responsibility in society is much broader. At ABB, we have been trying to set an example for years. here in the Czech Republic — from energy and waste conservation to planting forests and making a commitment not to advertise, and thus, not to financially support misinformation media. For us, social responsibility also means systematic cooperation with schools, scientific and cultural institutions, and communities in the places where we operate. From my point of view, the common denominator is to support the development of a sustainable educational society.
Thank you for the interview.