We are part of the critical infrastructure of the Czech Republic. Our task is to be a stable pillar of the Czech
economy in any situation. This is our priority, and we look at our daily work and the future from this perspective,
says Tomasz Wiatrak, CEO of ORLEN Unipetrol Group.
In recent years, the world has presented a number of previously unexpected challenges. What is your take on this?
I am glad that we can respond to them quickly and efficiently in our group. It is not possible to be prepared for everything in advance. Still, it is important to be able to deal with the situation effectively. We ensured continuity of production and supply of fuels to the Czech market during the pandemic. We are doing it again this year when experiencing a global geopolitical crisis.
The Czech Republic is currently dealing with a shift away from Russian oil. Can you manage the transition to another oil?
In our refi neries, we process 16 different types of crude oil from dozens of countries worldwide, for example, from the USA, Africa, the North Sea, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, etc. We have successfully tested dozens of other types in recent years. We can, therefore, technologically manage the withdrawal from Russian oil, which is crucial information for ensuring the Czech Republic’s energy stability.
“Even a traditional industry
like ours can be sustainable,
innovative and, in time,
What areas did you focus on in it?
The key to achieving emission neutrality will be primarily decarbonisation, reducing the energy intensity of our production and the circular economy, i.e. an emphasis on renewable resources and recycling previously unused plastic or organic waste. We will also introduce advanced biofuels and emission-free products such as green hydrogen. Overall, we want to invest CZK 30 billion in green projects by 2030 and five billion in digitalisation.

What are your hydrogen plans?
This year, we will open the fi rst hydrogen dispensers at our Benzina ORLEN stations in Prague Barrandov and Litvínov. By 2030, we will equip 28 stations in the Czech Republic and 26 in Slovakia with hydrogen. Hydrogen infrastructure will thus be available in major cities and on major transport arteries, ensuring that both countries are connected to neighbouring countries.
Who are you cooperating with to develop hydrogen electromobility?
We develop cooperation with business partners such as Toyota or Pražská plynárenská as well as with local governments and academia. We have signed memoranda of cooperation with Prague, the Central Bohemia Region, the Ústí nad Labem Region and Brno. And we are in intensive discussions with other entities.
Thank you for the interview