
New issue of Priority Business & Government 2/2021


We bring you more great stories of management priorities from business and public administration. When you read our magazine, you will once again have the opportunity to discover the inspiring views of women and men in management. Also, in this issue, we try to connect the business environment with culture because their interaction with each other creates the quality of human society and mutually enriches us.

You can learn the interesting story of the new CEO of the National Gallery in Prague, you will read about the enriching managerial views of a member of the Board of Directors of SKODA AUTO, you will get acquainted with the views of the Ambassador of the State of Israel in Prague and, last but not least, we will present the South Moravian Region to you through the words of its Regional Governor and the Statutory City of Brno through the words of its Mayor. The South Moravian Region is known for its innovative potential and the taste of wine, where we will introduce you to the wine-growing village of Pavlov.

I would also like to remind you that between the issues of the printed magazine, the new issue of which you are now holding in your hands, you can read about current events in our Priority Newsletter and on the magazine’s web portal.