JUDr. Jitka Kellnerová graduated as a lawyer. More importantly, however, she is a female manager and director of a clinic. She is behind the success of the SurGal Clinic, a first-class medical facility in Brno, which continues a rich tradition and builds upon a clear vision for the future. This is evidenced by several awards from patients and experts alike.
Company managers are very busy today and often do not find time to solve their possible health problems. So how can you help these people realise their health priorities?
Our hospital offers one-time preventive programmes focused on the detection of so-called asymptomatic diseases, i.e. diseases that do not yet manifest themselves in any way. The entire preventive examination is compiled and organised so that the client completes it within one morning nd, therefore, does not take up the client’s precious time. The preventive examination consists of laboratory examinations and examinations by many specialists (internist, cardiologist, sports doctor, radiologist, urologist/gynaecologist). At the client’s request, we can also expand the set of specialists. Furthermore, as the only clinic in the country, we off er the so-called MRI FULL BODY SCAN, i.e. a comprehensive magnetic resonance examination — a completely non-invasive and gentle examination of the brain, abdomen and pelvis, with the possibility of extending to check the spine or joints as well.

What other care does your hospital specialise in?
We are primarily an orthopaedic surgery clinic. We are most often approached by clients who need hernia, gallbladder, varicose vein or intestinal surgery, as well as clients who want to tackle excessive obesity and those with an indication for total endoprosthesis or arthroscopy. In addition, of course, we provide the entire operating spectrum of general surgery and orthopaedics. Due to the high interest among our female clients, we also opened the Plastic Surgery Centre in 2012, which enjoys an excellent reputation. Our unique project is the “GRAND CLASS system”, i.e. services of a first-class nature such as single luxury rooms, first-class food, VIP transport and other services provided by, for example, hotels. Our goal is to bring the most modern foreign care procedures into the practice of Czech healthcare. We were the first in the Czech Republic to perform, for example, total knee arthroplasty using the Visionaire method, disc herniation using the DiscoGel method, 3D laparoscopy, prostate enlargement using the REZUM method and more. Health care is paid for by all health insurance companies, which we consider a great advantage for clients.
So I understand that aff ordable first-class care is your priority. Can you offer this care to foreigners as well?
Foreign clients have the opportunity to use the services of the Premium department — the department set up specifi cally to care for foreign clients. We have clients from Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Poland, but also Slovakia. A great advantage is the possibility of reimbursement of the costs of treatment with their own health insurance company. We usually help clients with the administration of the application. Clients from abroad most often come to deal with excessive obesity, aesthetic procedures or orthopaedic care.
Thank you for the interview.
Foto: archiv SurGal Clinic s.r.o.