
The Title Manager of the Year of the Czech Management Association Is a Prestigious Award


Ing. Miroslav DVOŘÁK, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of MOTOR JIKOV Group a.s., is a member of
the Council of Experts, which is the top advisory and consultative body of the Presidium of the Czech Management
Association. It formulates expert opinions and recommendations on developing the Czech Republic’s business
sphere and applying modern management methods.

You gained managerial experience as you rose through the hierarchy of your company, and you were evaluated as Manager of the Year in the Czech Republic. In your opinion, what are the benefits of the Manager of the Year competition?
Every person who has achieved something is surely pleased when his work is appreciated by others in the form of a prestigious award, which the title of Manager of the Year of the Czech Management Association definitely is! It is a recognition of their work and contribution to the development of the business environment in the Czech Republic. The competition is unique in that it compares managers across all sectors of the economy. This can and should be an incentive for managers to enter the competition and try to succeed in the biggest competition that there can be in the Czech Republic.

The Czech Management Association is based on the transfer of experience and education. You yourself serve on the Council of Experts and the Managers of the Year Club. What is their role?
The Council of Experts is an advisory and consultative body of the Presidium of the Czech Management Association. It formulates expert opinions and recommendations on developing the Czech Republic’s business sphere and applying modern management methods. The Council of Experts determines the topics and issues that are then dealt with by company management. The Manager of the Year competition winner then automatically becomes a member of the prestigious Club of Managers, which off ers its members exchange of experience and a space for negotiating business. Together with the Council of Experts, they contribute to the discussion of new management trends and business opportunities, as well as various hot topics in the management environment. By its very nature, being made up of the winners of the competition, it is not a club of people detached from the reality of the business environment, which gives it strength and prestige. The main topic of recent times in all areas is the COVID economy. The experience gained by managers from diff erent sectors could help others in this situation and motivate those who have not yet entered the competition.

Thank you for the interview.

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