
What Is the Signifi cance of the Manager of the Year Award for Your Work?


The coronavirus crisis has presented the Czech Republic with a signifi cant decision. That is to find the right path for economic transformation and digitalization. The Czech Republic can join the economically prosperous countries of the free world or forever remain only an assembly and transhipment centre of Central Europe, where cheap labour is cultivated. For this reason, we are mapping the views of experienced managers on the goals the Czech Republic should achieve in the coming years. We bring you the opinions of the managers awarded in the following four competition categories.

Awards in the Category – Visionary


I received the Visionary of the Year award from Martin Hausenblas, who was awarded the same title before me. Thanks to the competition, I got to know him better. Together, we are working on exciting visions and scenarios that may have an interesting impact in the future, and not only in the business environment in the Czech Republic.

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